Integrative You Radio

Integrative You Radio

Hosted by: Dr. Nicole Rivera & Dr. Nick Carruthers

Get Inspired with our Real, Raw, and Disruptive podcast, IntegrativeYou Radio. With close to 30K monthly listeners, get ready for out-of-the-box insights and transformative tools on how to up-level your health,...


What’s Really Causing Your Vertigo?

Season #1 Episode #100

Are you suffering from vertigo or other imbalance/coordination issues with little to no results from conventional therapies? Join Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole as they shed light on the potential root causes of your...
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Reversing the aging it possible?

Season #1 Episode #99

Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole often face the question: "How can I slow the aging process?" Today, they both dive into the beauty world, equipping you with the knowledge necessary to not only look younger but to feel it as...
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Are Your Health Symptoms Connected to Your Dental Issues?

Season #1 Episode #98

Are you tired of accepting health issues such as fatigue, bloating, and/or brain fog as your new normal? Unknown to many, dental work can be the root cause to your illnesses, whether your symptoms occur within a few...
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The Benefits of Algae in Chronic Illness: Featuring EnergyBits

Season #1 Episode #97

In this week's episode, Dr. Nicole, joined by Catherine Arnston, founder of EnergyBits, discuss the benefits of algae in chronic illness'. Listen to the podcast to learn more about how Catherine's products are a great...
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Does Bad Vision = A Bad Brain?

Season #1 Episode #96

In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole discuss how our vision is reflective of the function of the neurological system, and where bad vision stems from. Listen to the podcast...
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You Reminisce About Memories, NOT Instagram

Season #1 Episode #95

In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole discuss how social media may affect the way we reminisce about our memories in the future, the way we communicate with each other, and...
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You’re Not Fat, You’re Toxic.

Season #1 Episode #94

In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole discuss how toxins in the body can be perceived as fat tissue, due to inflammation, leading people to believe that they're fat, but...
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Using The AmpCoil In Integrative Medicine

Season #1 Episode #93

On this months episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nicole and Dr. Nick, starring Freddie Kimmel from The Beautifully Broken Podcast, discuss the benefits of the AmpCoil and how it's used in Integrative...
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Melatonin: The Master Detoxifier of the Brain

Season #1 Episode #92

Melatonin is commonly associated with sleep. However, unknown to most people, it also plays a major role in detoxifying our brain. Join Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole as they discuss how melatonin contributes to neurological...
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Brain Fog or Your Brain Can't Poop?

Season #1 Episode #91

Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole discuss "How Your Brain Can't Poop", shedding light on the importance of detoxification when it comes to our neurological system. Tune in to recognize the effects toxicity has on your brain and...
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Migraines Are A Cardiovascular Problem

Season #1 Episode #90

On this week’s podcast, Dr. Nick Carruthers and Dr. Nicole Rivera cover the topic of migraines. Painful and debilitating, many suffer with these headaches and are left frustrated with the lack of effective treatment....
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Meditation to Help Heal From Lyme-Featuring Shona Curley

Season #1 Episode #81

This week's episode we are joined by Shona Curley, a bodyworker and experiential anatomy teacher (20 years and counting), who has Lyme disease. Tune in as her and Dr. Nicole Rivera talk in more depth about Lyme...
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