Integrative You Radio

Integrative You Radio

Hosted by: Dr. Nicole Rivera & Dr. Nick Carruthers

Get Inspired with our Real, Raw, and Disruptive podcast, IntegrativeYou Radio. With close to 30K monthly listeners, get ready for out-of-the-box insights and transformative tools on how to up-level your health,...


Healing Your Brain

Season #1 Episode #38

Join Dr. Nick Carruthers and Jess Hickman as they talk about healing your brain. Our brain's are the control point of our body, meaning the only way to truly heal the body is by healing the brain. Dr. Nick offers a...
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What is Physical Medicine

Season #1 Episode #36

Join Dr. Kyle and Dr. Phil as they describe the Physical Medicine Program at Integrative Wellness Group in Belmar, NJ. Dr. Kyle and Dr. Phil describe craniosacral therapy, foundation training, and the head to toe...
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Why does your body need a whole food cleanse?

Season #1 Episode #37

Did youĀ know most people are currently walking around with 5-25 lbs extra of extra body weight that is caused by inflammation. This added inflammation can be caused by toxicity from pesticides, chemicals, dyes,...
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Why You Should Care About Mold

Season #1 Episode #35

In this episode, join Dr. Nicole and Registered Nurse and mold assessor Gina Dehmer as they get to the root of mold toxicity. Dr. Nicole and Gina list reasons on how mold affects the human body; including respiratory...
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Breakdown of Anxiety and Depression and What You Can Do To Help

Season #1 Episode #33

Join Dr. Nick Carruthers and Jess Hickman as they explain the foundational roots of anxiety and depression.Ā  In this podcast, Dr. Nick truly summarizes the idea that anxiety and depression are symptoms and feedback...
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Debunk the Myths About Your Thyroid (Grave's Disease and Hashimoto)

Season #1 Episode #32

Join Dr. Nicole and Lexie as they speak upon your thyroid. Dr. Nicole speaks in length about autoimmune hyperthyroid (Grave's Disease) and autoimmune hypothyroid (Hashimoto's). Most physicians advise against taking...
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The Cause of Heart Disease That No One is Talking About

Season #1 Episode #31

Did you know that two thirds of our brain is made up of cholesterol? And that cholesterol is the foundation for our cells, allowing them to be able to absorb nutrients.Ā  And yet, cholesterol is still thought of as the...
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Adult Acne: Your Skin Issues May Not Be Related To Your Hormones!

Season #1 Episode #30

This week talk about bacteria and your skin. Your skin issues is not always a hormonal issue. Tune in as Dr. Nicole Rivera and our practitioner assistant, Sam Franceschini discuss in length the correlations.
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The Connection Between Your Oral and Overall Health

Season #1 Episode #29

Did you knowĀ there is a correlation between your internal and oral health, 80% of your symptoms can be traced back to our mouth. Tune in as Dr. Nicole Rivera and our practitioner assistant, Sam Franceschini discuss in...
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How are infections and the brain connected?

Season #1 Episode #28

Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and practitioner assistant, Jess Hickman on this week's IWG Radio, as they discuss about the connection between infections and your brain. Tune in to find out more!
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How healthy is your Brain?

Season #1 Episode #27

We focus so much of our efforts our keeping our physical bodies healthy, but what about one of the most important organs our, Brain! Brain health is crucial to keeping the physical, emotional, and energetic body...
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Caesarean Section & Chronic Illness: What is the connection?

Season #1 Episode #26

Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Dr. Kyle Kilm on this week's IWG Radio, as they discuss about the connection between Caesarean delivery and chronic illness. Did you know that 46% of the pregnancies are delivered via...
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