Episode 241
Title: Transformative Healing with Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole
Host: Kayla Weidner
Kayla Weidner (00:00.212)
Welcome back to another episode of Integrative You Radio. In this very unique edition, I am Kayla, your host today, but by no means the keynote. I work behind the scenes at Integrative You and Integrative You Radio, and I had the opportunity to interview three very inspiring people who just so happen to be private clients of Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole. For those of you listening who have been considering working with Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole, this is for you.
Kayla Weidner (00:47.886)
How has working with Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole changed your human experience or your family's human experience? My business has catapulted. My relationship with my fiancé—it's really hard to articulate, but I'm just different, and everybody feels it. But in a good way, you know what I mean?
Just like, I’m more grounded. It's interesting. When I first came to them, I was very anxious about my son's issues. I was anxious about work. It felt like my cup was full, and any added pressure would make it overflow. I think working on myself in all different ways with my health and with all of the coaching they've done, I feel like I’ve emptied the cup. Now, when something goes into it, I can adjust to it with strength, focus, love, and presence. They've definitely contributed to that. I am a completely different person. It's still a work in progress—it's an ever-evolving process—but the person who walked in the door when my son was five and the person you're speaking to now, with my son at 14, are worlds apart. And for the better. They’ve given me life. They've allowed me to feel positive again. They've given me back my life, my family’s life, and filled us with positivity.
What parts of your life are more in sync, parts that used to be chaotic or sacrificed?
For sure, we're no longer always playing catch-up. I can think ahead while being present. I’m also making time and space for myself. Working with them has made me look at life from a different perspective. Before, I was reactive, dramatic. Life felt like it was happening to me, rather than me asking, “Why is this happening to me?” Now, I have the tools to remove the emotional aspect and think, “Hey, what is this situation trying to tell me?” I apply the same approach with my child. When he has a tantrum, we ask, “What is this situation trying to teach us, and what can we learn from it?”
Instead of reacting with panic, I now reflect on what we can learn. How we show up for our children and loved ones is the lesson I’ve learned—I've found the best version of myself for my family. Of course, I will continue to grow, but I’m the best version of myself for now, for my family, and vice versa.
As a parent, you usually put yourself last, thinking only about taking care of your kids. But Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole showed me that I need to take care of myself to be a better parent. That mindset shift was life-changing. At that time, I was always thinking about the next step, but they taught me how to be present. Being present for my son has changed my life. Sometimes, when there are issues, you aren’t truly there with your child because you're just trying to get to the next thing, forgetting about your own happiness.
Working with them has shown me the importance of happiness and identifying my highest values, which is life-changing. When you are constantly pulling from an empty bucket, you don’t have much to offer your family, loved ones, or friends.
Kayla Weidner (05:30.414)
I love that you mentioned how being a more present parent resonates with many mothers, myself included. We often don't stop to ask ourselves, "Am I being present right now?" It’s because we're burning the candle at both ends. I put myself on the back burner for so long, but from my two family members being patients, the transformation has been miraculous for me. When you prioritize yourself, it’s the most enlightening, amazing experience. You’ll be thankful you did because I now feel energized and positive about what’s to come. With Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole's incredible insight and support, my family dynamic has improved so positively.
So, if you’ve been putting yourself on the back burner or dealing with health issues and can't envision your future—if you're seeing the wrong doctors—know that Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole educated us in ways no textbook or health magazine article could. They brought us to the other side, showing us something we never saw before.
What’s really neat from these interviews is how educated everyone is. People sound like they could write the book on it. Health isn't just about balancing your minerals or taking probiotics. It's about your mental capacity, your emotional state. You have to heal your trauma. We didn’t know this until we met Nick and Nicole and learned that true healing requires a holistic approach—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Trauma is what holds you back, living in your body and holding you down. Working with them was an epiphany, revealing the bigger picture and showing that healing is comprehensive.
Kayla Weidner (07:58.19)
Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole have done the inner work themselves, and I respect that. They’re not just advising you from a distance; they’ve lived it. That authenticity is inspiring and makes me realize it’s possible to do the same.
What limiting beliefs were holding you back, and which have dropped away?
I’ve been working closely with Dr. Nicole on a career change that I've wanted for years but was always too afraid to pursue. There were so many limiting beliefs. I was a dreamer, but I didn’t realize how deeply my childhood and societal programming had influenced me—self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and those sorts of things.
Even though I had a strong foundation of confidence, underlying deep-rooted issues from my childhood surfaced, which we addressed through meditation and practice. Those beliefs balanced out to the point where they no longer exist. Now, things that would have been crippling are no longer a big deal. I went back to life coaching school, and I’m building a wonderful community center focused on holistic well-being. I’m so excited, and I owe so much to Dr. Nicole, who has been an incredible inspiration.
Kayla Weidner (10:17.486)
She pulls things out of you that you didn’t realize were there. Every session with her is inspiring, and it's truly helped me progress on my path. While I’m still working through fears, they're dropping away faster than I ever expected.
Fear used to hold me back, but now it's nearly non-existent. I wouldn’t have pursued these things or explored them before. Now, I recognize fear and limiting beliefs, and I address them in the moment instead of stewing in them. I act on them and push through because I know it’s okay, and I have the tools to work through it.
What advice would you give to someone who feels like they have to sacrifice success for happiness?
My mom used to say, "You only get one life." Everyone deserves to live their best life. As parents, we should remember that children may listen to 50% of what we say, but they watch 100% of what we do. I want my son to live his best life, and I believe he will learn from watching us. At 14, he’s at such a crucial age, and I hope he won’t make the same mistakes I did. Or if he does, he’ll know how to bounce back, learn, and evolve.
Kayla Weidner (12:32.782)
Working with Dr. Nick and Dr. Nicole is a game-changer, but you have to put in the work, too. It's not one-sided. You don’t just go to them to be healed. You heal yourself through working with them as a team. It’s not magic; it’s a partnership. People need to understand that you have to prioritize this process and put the work in.
Stop putting yourself last. Put yourself first—it’s okay, and it’s necessary. Find your highest values and pursue them. You’ll notice that everything around you starts working in synchronicity, and life just flows.