Where Body, Mind, and Life Harmonize

An Innovative and Disruptive Methodology

We formulated a way to elevate every part of your life by mastering your health and your mind. Our approach to integrative medicine helps you not only reclaim your well-being, but also achieve your aspirations, find more joy, align your career, and live a life as your own creator.


Body + Mind

We focus on the integrative, connected role of the body + Mind.

At Integrative You, we look at your body as an integration of organ systems, instead of assuming that everything is working independently. We look at the integrative, connected role of the body + mind.

Your Mind 

Neuroscience, Quantum Energetics & Human Behavior

Dr. Nick takes healing beyond the physical. One of his most groundbreaking techniques is remote muscle testing, which allows him to evaluate a person's energy state using their DNA sample, even if they aren't physically present. He discovered how to sense and balance the body's energy and harnesses the power of thought and intention to influence energy fields, showcasing how the mind can impact overall health. 

Techniques Dr. Nick Uses:

  1. Two-Pointing: This technique balances the body's energy by connecting two energetic points, helping to balance perceptions and energies in the mind.

  2. Remote Muscle Testing: Uses DNA samples to assess a person's energetic state without their physical presence, allowing for remote evaluation and healing.

  3. Holographic Energy Healing: Creates a hologram or sphere of energy representing an individual, allowing for muscle testing and energy assessments based on their unique energetic signature.

  4. Intention Testing: Uses the power of thought and focused intention to influence energy fields, connecting to an individual's energy without physical intermediaries, demonstrating how the mind can affect the body's energetic state.

  5. Hypnotherapy: Utilizes guided relaxation and focused attention to access the subconscious mind, helping to address deep-seated issues and promote mental and emotional healing.

  6. Meditation: Incorporates customized mindfulness and meditation practices to enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and promote a balanced mind and body.

  7. Values Discovery: Helps individuals uncover and articulate their core values, ensuring that their actions and decisions align with these values for greater fulfillment and purpose.

  8. Breaking Down Limiting Beliefs: Identifies and challenges negative thought patterns and beliefs that hold individuals back, replacing them with empowering beliefs to foster personal growth and transformation.

These tools collectively address the mental and energetic aspects of health, providing a comprehensive approach to mind health and overall well-being. Dr. Nick’s innovative techniques have proven to be effective in improving well-being, making his method a convincing choice for those seeking transformative health solutions.

Your Body

Unique DNA Testing, Integrative Medicine, and Personalized Protocols

Dr. Nicole focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness through a systems-oriented approach. She then addresses the body with a comprehensive yet 100% holistic approach leveraging advanced DNA testing, and personalized protocols:

  1. Unique DNA Testing: This advanced testing can be done remotely using simply a hair sample. 
  2. Personalized Nutrition and Exercise Plans: Tailoring diet and fitness recommendations based on genetic information to optimize health and performance.
  3. Targeted Detox Therapies: Creating precise treatment plans that consider genetic variations affecting drug metabolism and response.
  4. Customized Herbal and Supplement Therapies: Uses natural remedies to complement conventional treatments and support the body’s healing process. Specific vitamins, minerals, and other supplements tailored to the patient’s unique needs.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations for changes in daily habits, stress management techniques, and sleep hygiene to enhance overall well-being.
  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular follow-ups to track progress, adjust protocols, and ensure optimal outcomes.

    By integrating traditional medicine with cutting-edge DNA testing and personalized treatment protocols, Dr. Nicole offers a thorough and customized approach to health and wellness. This ensures that each client receives care tailored to their unique genetic profile and individual health needs, promoting optimal health and well-being.

Your Body

Unique DNA Testing, Integrative Medicine, and Personalized Protocols

Dr. Nicole focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness through a systems-oriented approach. She then addresses the body with a comprehensive yet 100% holistic approach leveraging advanced DNA testing, and personalized protocols:

  1. Unique DNA Testing: This advanced testing can be done remotely using simply a hair sample. 
  2. Personalized Nutrition and Exercise Plans: Tailoring diet and fitness recommendations based on genetic information to optimize health and performance.
  3. Targeted Detox Therapies: Creating precise treatment plans that consider genetic variations affecting drug metabolism and response.
  4. Customized Herbal and Supplement Therapies: Uses natural remedies to complement conventional treatments and support the body’s healing process. Specific vitamins, minerals, and other supplements tailored to the patient’s unique needs.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations for changes in daily habits, stress management techniques, and sleep hygiene to enhance overall well-being.
  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular follow-ups to track progress, adjust protocols, and ensure optimal outcomes.

    By integrating traditional medicine with cutting-edge DNA testing and personalized treatment protocols, Dr. Nicole offers a thorough and customized approach to health and wellness. This ensures that each client receives care tailored to their unique genetic profile and individual health needs, promoting optimal health and well-being.

Your Mind 

Neuroscience, Quantum Energetics & Human Behavior

Dr. Nick takes healing beyond the physical. One of his most groundbreaking techniques is remote muscle testing, which allows him to evaluate a person's energy state using their DNA sample, even if they aren't physically present. He discovered how to sense and balance the body's energy and harnesses the power of thought and intention to influence energy fields, showcasing how the mind can impact overall health. 

Techniques Dr. Nick Uses:

  1. Two-Pointing: This technique balances the body's energy by connecting two energetic points, helping to balance perceptions and energies in the mind.

  2. Remote Muscle Testing: Uses DNA samples to assess a person's energetic state without their physical presence, allowing for remote evaluation and healing.

  3. Holographic Energy Healing: Creates a hologram or sphere of energy representing an individual, allowing for muscle testing and energy assessments based on their unique energetic signature.

  4. Intention Testing: Uses the power of thought and focused intention to influence energy fields, connecting to an individual's energy without physical intermediaries, demonstrating how the mind can affect the body's energetic state.

  5. Hypnotherapy: Utilizes guided relaxation and focused attention to access the subconscious mind, helping to address deep-seated issues and promote mental and emotional healing.

  6. Meditation: Incorporates customized mindfulness and meditation practices to enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and promote a balanced mind and body.

  7. Values Discovery: Helps individuals uncover and articulate their core values, ensuring that their actions and decisions align with these values for greater fulfillment and purpose.

  8. Breaking Down Limiting Beliefs: Identifies and challenges negative thought patterns and beliefs that hold individuals back, replacing them with empowering beliefs to foster personal growth and transformation.

These tools collectively address the mental and energetic aspects of health, providing a comprehensive approach to mind health and overall well-being. Dr. Nick’s innovative techniques have proven to be effective in improving well-being, making his method a convincing choice for those seeking transformative health solutions.

Health + Life

We focus on the integration of your health and every aspect of your life

This is where our approach really shines, once we have established optimal-well being We Don’t Stop There. We leverage your newfound body and mind health to up-level every aspect of life. 

By understanding the synergy between your body and mind and its impact on decision-making, family dynamics, career, and social relationships, we design personalized tools to empower you to become the best version of yourself, and live the life you want.

Get Started

Work with us to optimize your body + mind so you can elevate every aspect of your life.

We help you not only bio-hack your physical body but break free of limiting beliefs, define your purpose, awaken your mental superpower, train your emotional resilience,  tap into your higher-self and curate a life inspired by your unique values.