$48.00 USD or more

Want to start creating a new life in your meditation?  It starts with clarity.  Gain clarity on your values and purpose so you can start manifesting a life that serves you.


How to Properly Meditate Mini-Course

When introducing people to meditation we often hear, "I don't think I am doing it right."  Well, you can't necessarily do it wrong but there are ways to maximize the outcomes of meditation. 

You'll learn:

  • Simple tips on how to sit, how to set an intention, what to do if your mind is racing, and more.
  • The fundamentals of meditation
  • What to expect from meditation and what not to expect
  • How to release tension before, during, and after meditation

Join our Limitless You Community for more meditations, community support, and to learn more about the mind/ body connection. 

What People Are Saying:

I was that person who kept saying, I don't know what I am doing. This course helped me understand what to do and what not to do. Great Clarity.


I was so against meditation but this broke it down to make sense. I am now making this part of my routine.
