Oh Hey, How Ya Doin?

We are Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole. Doctors for 14 years, Married for 10 Years [together for 18 years],  Parents for 4 years. We split time between the USA & Italy.  We are committed to impacting this world and helping people curate their ideal human experience.

Inspired by Innovation.  Driven by Family.

We started our entreprenurial journey as Integrative Doctors 14 years ago which led to a series of growth spurts.  Being committed to innovation of healthcare, we naturally became interested in the mind and how it can make people sick.  

After a decade of hustle and grind, we became parents.  We realized that most of our life was about doing, going, achieving.  We started to question things, BIG things.  It led to a series of bold decisions that landed us in Italy while running a Concierge Integrative Medicine & Coaching Company.  Our decisions have been inspired by innovation of the human experience, meaning designing a life of living [and not just doing].  It has also been driven by family and our passion for generational freedom.  This drives the work we do with others.

Downward Elegant Gold Arrow

Dr. Nicole Rivera


  • Integrative Medicine Doctor, Health Data Junkie + Mystery Illness Expert 
  • Known for her ability to leverage comprehensive DNA data to solve the most complex mystery health cases 
  • Carries a unique skill of identifying what people are capable of and helping them curate their ideal vision of life.

A true disruptor with a heart of gold, Dr. Nicole is on a mission to help others unleash their true potential. She is a data junkie who dives deep to uncover the root causes of chronic illness, turning setbacks into superpowers. Her leadership is fueled by passion and authenticity, curating experiences that align with personal growth. By day, She is a doctor; by night, a hip-hop dancer and food connoisseur. Plus, she is a fierce leader & mama to Baby Q [and baby girl on the way], best dog mama to Booker & Pappy, all while balancing life by using her inner badass.

Dr. Nick Carruthers


  • Mental + Behavior Health Expert + Quantum Visionary 
  • Known for his unique invention of Integrative Response Testing + Biointegration Technique using DNA + Quantum energy
  • Combines human behavior, the Demartini Method, quantum psychology, hypnosis and meditations to break though old limiting patterns + up-level the mind

This guy's not just an inventor or innovator—he's a quantum physics junkie and energy guru who shatters limits like it's nobody's business. Dr. Nick has crafted groundbreaking techniques like Integrative Response Testing (IRT) and Biointegration Technique (BIT) to create personalized healing roadmaps. His passion for breaking through barriers and elevating minds is unmatched. By day, he's an inventor; by night, a deep thinker and universal philosopher. Oh, and he's the best dad to Quentin [& his little princess on the way], a proud dog dad of Booker & Pappy, and nature enthusiast, always seeking the next thrill.

Really Meet Your Doctors

In our world, we live by these mantras:

  • Family first, always. Quality time together is non-negotiable.
  • Forget technology; connect with nature and learn something new every day.
  • Eat good food, have deep conversations, and laugh until it hurts.
  • Be yourself, live life on your terms and stand by your values.
  • Be confident but always be humble.
  • Adventure is a way of life, get outside and get dirty.

Take a peek...

Downward Elegant Gold Arrow

Let's Chat

Book a Consult [yes, it's free] with our Concierge Coordinator & Dr. Nicole.

We are fanatical about relationships. Working on your health, your mind, and essentially your life is one of the most impactful things you can do in your life. This is why we want to get to know you and make sure we are aligned so we can build a relationship rooted in trust and partnership for growth. If anything, you can at least use this call for clarity on your best move even if that is not working with us. We are here to provide value in this world, so just book the call.